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Connect with and experience monastic community

Monasticism and monastic community have been growing in popularity for some years. But what exactly do they mean? And where does one find "monastic community" or how does one live "monasticism?"

You've come to the right place for answers. Monasticism

There are a number of ways to experience monasticism and monastic community with the Benedictine Sisters of Erie that range from dipping your toe in the monastic waters to diving off the uppermost cliff and fully immersing yourself in monasticism.

Where ever you choose to start, the bottom line is you have to want to change. That's what monastic life is about--it's basically a lifelong journey of becoming who God (or however you choose to name the Creating Life Force) invites you to be. Becoming your best self, your humblest self, your greatest self. Benedict calls the monastery and monastic life "a school for God's service." He also demands never ending conversatio, conversion. It's about beginning again. And again. And again. Benedict adds a sense of urgency telling his followers to "run while they have the light of life." 

Of course you can simply visit the monastery, pray with us, eat with us. You can come for an evening or for overnight stays. If that is connection enough for you, visit our Guest Accommodations page.