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Liturgy Schedule

Join us for the Liturgy of the Hours in the monastery chapel.

Morning Praise:
Saturday, Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.

Noonday Praise: 11:45 a.m.

Evening Praise: Daily: 5:30 p.m.

Saturday vigils during Advent and Lent are at 7:00 p.m. 
Times may vary on holidays.

Sunday Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.

Benedictine prayer is communal and is meant to bind us to one another and to broaden our vision of the needs of the world. —Joan Chittister

As Benedictine women, prayer is central to our life in community. We bring to prayer all those things that have touched our lives and we take to our world all that our prayer enables. The Liturgy of the Hours, or Opus Dei, forms the basis of our communal prayer life. 

We gather to pray the Liturgy of the Hours three times a day. This prayer consists mainly of psalms and other scriptures that we recite back and forth—we say “in choirs,” with one side chanting a verse then the other side responding. In the morning we always pray the Benedictus, the song of thanksgiving Zachary sang when his son, John (the Baptist) was born, and in the evening, the Magnificat, Mary’s hymn of praise, both taken from the first chapter of the gospel of Luke. The Prayer of Jesus (Our Father) is always included because, as Benedict says in the Rule, “thorns of contention are likely to spring up” and it is good for us to be reminded that we will be forgiven as we forgive.

We use a five-week psalter written in inclusive language by members of the community. This commitment to inclusive language in our prayer includes its use in the Scripture readings, the Rule of Benedict, and any hymns. We have made great effort to include times of reflective silence in the Divine Office and Eucharist.

The bell rings three times a day to call us to prayer. When we hear that bell ring we know that our sisters and our guests will be making their way to chapel to join voices in prayer. We each aim to put aside what we are doing and join the community in chapel. However, on days when one of us cannot be there, the others carry them along.