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Monastic Life Is...

“Whatsoever you did to the least of my brothers and sisters, you did unto me.” —Gospel of Matthew, 25:40
With these words, Jesus Christ gave his followers a most challenging teaching. He instructs them to treat those who are poor, those who are strangers, with love, compassion, and reverence.

Listen to Sister Carolyn's newest podcast and reflect on when you've been given fresh, new starts.

In the spirit of the Gospel and the inspiration of St. Benedict we, as members of the Conference of Benedictine Prioresses (CBP), representing more than 1,100 sisters, commit ourselves to Christ-like hospitality. Therefore, we call upon our leaders, especially governors, state legislators, members of the United States Congress, and our president to reconsider proposed immigration policies and to work towards solutions that uphold the dignity and rights of all people. We urge them to create pathways to citizenship for immigrants, provide humane treatment for those in detention, and ensure that immigrant families are not torn apart. In addition, we commit ourselves to work with other organizations who are advocating and caring for migrant peoples.

Florists, candy-makers, card shops, and restaurants would have us believe Valentine’s Day is a happy time of romance and love celebrated by people of all ages. Many people disagree. They experience it as a time of loneliness and melancholy. A time when one is reminded of what was but no longer is. A time of regret. Is there another way to think of Valentine’s Day? Laudato Sí may invite us – even challenge us – to expand our understanding of this significant day.

Sister Val Luckey's new Erie Times News OpEd deals with snow and gratefulness...

Are you in need of some hope? What can it look like? Once again we turn to Pope Francis and Laudato Sí. “Hope would have us recognize that there is always a way out, that we can always redirect our steps, that we can always do something to solve our problems.” #61

Sister Placida Anheuser, OSB, 107, died on December 25, 2024, at Mount St. Benedict Monastery in Erie.

Read prayer and obituary>>>

Sister Joan Chittister and Sister Linda Romey are among the contributors to Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood, a new book of contemporary reflections by Catholic sisters compiled from ten years' of Global Sisters Report (GSR) writings.