Daily Prayer

Solemnity of the Annunciation
Antiphon (mantra) repeat quietly:
Awake from your sleep; rise from the dead, for Christ will give you light eternal.
Psalm 93
O God, you are robed in beauty
and clothed with great strength.
All glory and splendor
cannot equal your presence.
The world you made firm,
never to be shaken;
your rule stands firm from of old,
for you are the Eternal One.
The raging waters rise up;
the stormy seas lift their voice.
The waters thunder loud and wild,
but you are the God of all strength.
Greater than the roar of crashing waters,
more glorious than the surgings of the sea,
you are glorious forever,
and your decrees are to be trusted.
In your presence is the beauty of holiness.
All who dwell there give you praise.
Through never-ending ages,
let the glory of your name resound.
Pray the Prayer of Jesus (Our Father)
Translation © 1998 Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Inc.