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Daily Prayer

Saturday, July 27, 2024
Daily Prayer July 27

Antiphon (mantra) repeat quietly:
In your wisdom you understand all things; keep my spirit steady and willing.

Canticle: 2 Samuel 23:2-5
God's name is praised in Israel;
this is the one who set up a tent in Jerusalem
and a dwelling place in Zion.
The Eternal One is resplendent,
more glorious than the everlasting mountains.

A terror to the great is this God.
The proud of heart, asleep in death,
will no longer war with God.
The mighty are rendered powerless.

Who can withstand the anger of the Just One?
All was silent when God spoke,
when God arose to judge,
to save the oppressed of the earth.

Fulfill the promises made to God.
To the one who humbles the mighty,
give praise and thanksgiving.

Pray the Prayer of Jesus (Our Father)

Translation © 1998 Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Inc.