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Pray with Us

Daily Prayer

Friday, February 21, 2025
Daily Prayer February 21

Saint Peter Damian

Antiphon (mantra) repeat quietly:
God is a lamp for my steps. I will not falter in the darkness.

Canticle: Exodus 15:11-13, 17-18
Who is like you among the gods?
Who is like you, magnificent in holiness?

O Worker of Wonders;
when you reached out to us,
the earth swallowed our oppressors.

In your mercy you led us;
in your strength you guided us into glory.

You planted us on the mountain,
the place where you made your dwelling.
You, O God, live forever.
You are our strength.
You are our song.

Pray the Prayer of Jesus (Our Father)

Translation © 1998 Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Inc.