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Spirituality Resources

Monastic Experience Program
Explore your life questions by living with our monastic community for 6-12 months. In the Benedicta Riepp Monastic Experience Program you will immerse yourself in a daily rhythm of • prayer • work • outreach to the marginalized • communal life • hospitality • peace and nonviolence.

Contact Sister Ann Muczynski

Become a Benedictine
The face of permanent members of monastic communities has changed over the centuries. In our time many people seeking permanent membership are professional women who long for a life that follows the Gospel of Jesus. They come from varied backgrounds and share the common desire to seek God and change the world.

Contact Vocations Team (Sisters Val Luckey, Elizabeth Oettel, Mary Ellen Plumb)

Monasteries of the Heart
Monasteries of the Heart is a new form of Benedictine life for our time. It is a monastic movement for lay people designed to respond to the great hunger and thirst for spirituality that exists in today’s world.

Visit Monasteries of the Heart

Oblate Way of Life
If you desire to
— deepen your relationship with God, with others and with yourself
— ground your spirituality in values based on simplicity, respect, hospitality, and reverence for all life
— enter into a distinct relationship with others and want to be sustained by others on a similar spiritual path
Read more here

Spiritual Directors
Spiritual Direction, sometimes referred to as spiritual guidance or spiritual friendship, is an on-going relationship in which a person, desiring to be attentive to his or her spiritual life, meets with the spiritual director on a regular basis to become more attuned to God's presence and to respond more fully to that presence. Suggested offering is $40/session.

Sister Rose Ann Kolbas
Sister Rose Ann Kolbas received her training and certification in spiritual direction from Shalem Institute in Washington, DC.

Sister Marian Wehler
Sister Marian Wehler completed the Spiritual Guidance Program offered by Shalem Institute in 2011.

Retreat Leaders
Do you need a retreat or workshop leader? Contact one of these sisters.

Sister Anne McCarthy
Monasteries of the Heart and Benetvision staff member, Sister Anne McCarthy holds a MA in Theology from St. John’s University, Collegeville in monastic studies and completed Shalem Institute’s program, “Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats.”

Sister Mary Ellen Plumb
Sister Mary Ellen Plumb has spent her professional life in secondary education as a Social Studies teacher, Director of Campus Ministry, Director of Discipline and Counselor. In these roles, she spends a good part of her time facilitating the spiritual and communal development of young people on high school and college levels.

Sister Marian Wehler
Sister Marian Wehler, OSB, is co-director of Catholic Rural Ministry in the Oil City, PA, deanery of the diocese of Erie where she offers retreat and reflection days for parishes, youth groups, prisoners and an outreach program to the poor.

Sister Elizabeth Oettel
Sister Elizabeth Oettel, Associate Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Erie (Eastern Vicariate), is responsible for the education, training and spiritual enrichment of parish religious education leaders and catechists.