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In Memoriam: Sister Marie Celine Bucholz, OSB

Headshot of Sister Marie Celine Bucholz.

Sister Marie Celine Bucholz, OSB
July 9, 1922 - January 8, 2011

We remember Sister Marie Celine
who lived community life with deep faith and determination.
She found the source of her inner strength in you, O God.
Like Mary, her soul rejoiced in you,
her wellspring of faith, hope and joy.

Marie Celine was teacher, storyteller, poet,
lover of all things beautiful, mentor and friend.
She revealed your love, O God, to all who came into her life
and to those she touched through ministry.

Hers was an everyday simplicity — expressing gratitude
for the smallest acts of kindness offered her.
She gazed upon very common days
finding beauty all around her.

Through her love of singing
she shared the gift of song at prayer,
for every occasion and in every season,
bringing joy and laughter to our lives.

Generous God, smile upon us
as we celebrate the life of Marie Celine.
May we be open, as was she,
to extend and receive kindness, care and compassion.
Help us to live faithfully, our monastic way of life. Amen.

Sister Marie Celine Bucholz, OSB, 88, died on Saturday, January 8, 2011, at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery in Erie, PA. Born in Oil City, PA and baptized Beatrice Marie, Sister Marie Celine was one of the four daughters of the late John and Elizabeth Bucholz. She entered the Benedictine Sisters of Erie on August 18, 1941 and pronounced her perpetual vows on August 21, 1945. Her silver, golden and diamond jubilees were celebrated respectively in 1967, 1992 and 2002.

Sister Marie Celine held a B.A. in Social Studies, English and Mathematics from Villa Maria College, an M.A. in Theology from Notre Dame University, and an M.S. in Mathematics from Youngstown University. She was also the recipient of four NSF (National Science Foundation) Grants for study in mathematics. For five years Sister Marie Celine taught in elementary schools in Sharon, Clarion and Erie, PA before moving to secondary education where she spent 29 years as a teacher in schools including Cathedral Prep, Saint Benedict Academy, Saint Joseph High School (Oil City), Immaculate Conception High School (Clarion), and Kennedy Christian High School (Sharon). From there her ministry in education continued at the college level for 17 years, in teaching and administration at Mercyhurst College and Behrend College. While ministering in education, Sister Marie Celine served on various committees in the Benedictine community, among them the Mount Saint Benedict Community Life Renewal Committee and the Government Study Committee. After completing 45 years in the field of education Sister Marie Celine worked as an administrative assistant at the Erie Community Food bank before becoming an instructor and administrative assistant at Saint Benedict Education Center for ten years. Upon her retirement in 1997, she did tutoring and archives work at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery until her health no longer permitted. As an infirmary resident Sister Marie Celine engaged in the ministry of prayer and presence at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery.

Sister Marie Celine is survived by her Benedictine community, her sister, Mary Ann Bucholz Porterfield (Ralph), and several nieces and nephews. Services will take place at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery: Visitation, Monday, 2:00-7:00 p.m. and Tuesday, 2:00-5:00 p.m., a Service of Memories on Monday at 7:00 p.m., and a Mass of Christian Burial on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Interment will be Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. in Trinity Cemetery.

Memorials may be made to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, 6101 East Lake Road, Erie, PA 16511. Click here to offer an online memorial.