Sister Phyllis Weaver, OSB
November 11, 1923 - December 15, 2014
Gracious God,
our sister, Phyllis, has found her peace in you.
She was a woman of deep and abiding faithfulness:
to prayer and conversion, community and friends,
teachers and students, guests and family.
Attuned to the pulse of Benedictinism
the common good was her concern
and hospitality was her gift.
She was persevering in all pursuits
and unwavering in her commitment
to the monastic way of life.
Phyllis knew her mind
and was fearless in speaking her truth.
Present and active, attentive and steadfast,
she was painstaking in her attention to detail,
earnest in her offering of affirmation,
and sincere in her expression of gratitude
to one and all and for things big and small.
We mourn the passing of this elder
while rejoicing in the glory that is hers,
now and forever. Amen
Sister Phyllis Weaver, OSB, 91, and in the 71st year of religious life, died on December 15, 2014, at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery in Erie, Pennsylvania, surrounded by sisters and family members.
A native of Sharon, Pennsylvania, Sister Phyllis was the daughter of Paul and Theresa (Rhing) Weaver. She entered the Benedictine Sisters of Erie in 1941, pronounced her perpetual monastic vows in 1946, and most recently celebrated her Jubilee of 70 years in 2013.
Sister Phyllis held a B.S. in Education from Villa Maria College and an M.A. in Elementary and Secondary Administration from Notre Dame University. She had permanent certification in elementary education; secondary education in English, Latin, French and Spanish, and in secondary administration. For more than 50 years she used her gifts in education, both as teacher and administrator, at the following schools: St. Mary, Cathedral Preparatory School, St. Benedict Academy and Sarah Reed Children’s Center (Erie); Immaculate Conception (Clarion); Sacred Heart and St. Joseph (Sharon); St. Gregory (North East); Venango Christian (Oil City).
In 1994, Sister Phyllis began a new ministry as Hospitality Coordinator at the monastery, a position she held until 2010. For 16 years she arranged accommodations for hundreds of visitors and showed them the heart of Benedictine welcome. Her faithfulness to the monastic way of life was steady and sure and she was keenly interested in all matters relating to community, church, city, nation and world.
Sister Phyllis was preceded in death by her parents, her sisters, Margaret Mealka and Florence Cattron, and brother, Paul Weaver. She is survived by her Benedictine community, her sister, Mary Libertin (Nicholas), many nieces and nephews and their children, as well as good friends in the Shaw family.
Memorials may be made to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, 6101 East Lake Road, Erie, PA 16511. Click here to offer an online memorial.