Sister Claire Hudert, OSB
August 17, 1943 - January 26, 2015
God of wholeness and plenty, our sister, Claire,
having walked the earth with buoyant love,
even step, and open smile,
has found her completion in you.
We imagine her kissing eternity
with lightheartedness and laughter,
all the while reveling in abundant blessing
with wonder and awe, spontaneity and simplicity.
Claire viewed people and things through a lens of beauty,
extending a welcome that sparkled with acceptance
and a hospitality that glimmered with love.
Her wisdom was beyond measure, her passion was deep;
her patience was admirable, her charm was endearing.
May we reverence her memory
and uphold the teaching she has entrusted to our care:
engage life with enthusiasm,
enrich thought with insight,
uplift kindness with compassion,
so that in all things and all manner of being,
God may indeed be glorified.
Sister Claire Hudert, OSB, 71, died on Monday, January 26, 2015, unexpectedly in spite of an extended illness, surrounded by her sisters in community and members of her family.
Born August 17, 1943, in Baltimore, MD, and baptized Elaine Claire, Sister Claire was the third child of J. Anthony, Sr. and Helen (Sramek) Hudert. She entered the Benedictine Sisters of Bristow, Virginia in 1961 and pronounced her perpetual monastic vows in 1968. In 1982 she discerned the decision to transfer from her community of origin to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie and was fully incorporated in 1985. She celebrated her silver jubilee in 1988 and her golden jubilee in 2013.
Sister Claire held an A.A. in Liberal Arts, Marymount University, Arlington, VA, a B.A. in Mathematics and Spanish, Carlow College, Pittsburgh, PA, and an M.A. in Theology, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN. She began her teaching ministry in 1965 and taught in both elementary and secondary education. She was also a Director of Religious Education before coming to Erie where she taught at St. Benedict Academy from 1984-88. In 1988 Sister Claire began her work as a missionary in the diocesan-sponsored Mission of Friendship in Merida, Yucatán, Mexico. There she taught basic reading and math to women who had not had the opportunity for education. Upon returning to the United States Sister Claire became the associate director of the Mission Office of the Erie Diocese in 1990. In 1993 she resumed her hands-on missionary work at the Mission of Friendship until 1997 at which time she became the director of the Office of Healing Ministries in the Diocese of Erie. She returned to the classroom in 2004 and taught theology as an Adjunct Lecturer at Gannon University, Erie. A chaplaincy position at Polk State Center, Franklin, PA enticed her in 2006 and Sister Claire began her work with mentally challenged adults, teaching them about Jesus and about how much God loves them. She was engaged in this ministry at the time of her death.
For Sister Claire ministry was love in action. Her various ministries provided her with challenges and opportunities to show God’s love through actions: in teaching, feeding, healing, listening, assisting, supporting, comforting. It pleased her no end to provide direct service to people that she preferred not to call poor but rather, “people who live humbly.” For Sister Claire the word poor suggested that someone is less because they have less. Through her ministries she touched the lives of many “people who live humbly” and to them, her many students, her community, her family and her friends, she brought the special gift of light and laughter, spontaneity and joy.
Sister Claire was predeceased by her parents. She is survived by her Benedictine community, her ten siblings: Joseph, Regina Corcoran (Richard), Carl (Becka), Anthony (Cynthia), Elizabeth Watkins, Marianne Hudert, Linda Spach-Korepta, Cathleen Shutt (Michael), Christopher (Peggy) and David (Caroline), and many nieces, nephews, grand-nieces and grand-nephews.
Services took place at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery and included: Visitation, a Service of Memories, a Mass of Christian and Interment in Trinity Cemetery. Brugger Funeral Homes and Crematory, Pine Avenue Branch, 845 East 38th Street, was in charge of the arrangements.
Memorials may be made to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, 6101 East Lake Road, Erie, PA 16511. Click here to offer an online memorial.