Sister Kathleen Warner, OSB
June 29, 1927 - March 24, 2016
Kind and loving God,
our sister, Kathleen, has found her peace in you.
She died as she lived: ever strong and determined
to remain true to the woman she knew herself to be.
Kathleen gave of herself and used her gifts
through the monastic way of life
and the ministry of teaching.
She was steadfast in her commitments
and unwavering in her fidelity to the vowed life.
When overcome by physical infirmity
Kathleen accepted her limitations
and fiercely protected her independence,
always grateful for kindnesses shown her.
She knew her mind and expressed it with clarity,
ever aware of the call to daily conversion.
Despite its challenge, she embraced change
with humility, holiness, honesty and simplicity.
God of all blessing,
may we uphold the memory of our sister
whose faithful love has brought her
to fullness of rest in you, now and forever. Amen.
Sister Kathleen Warner, OSB, 88, died on March 24, 2016, in the 70th year of her religious life, at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery in Erie, PA. Born in Buffalo, NY and baptized Mary Lucille, Sister Kathleen was the daughter of Floyd and Mina (Langevin) Warner. She entered the Benedictine Sisters of St. Joseph Monastery, St Marys, PA on September 5, 1944. On August 20, 1946, Sister Kathleen pronounced her first vows; October 22, 1949 marked the date of her perpetual profession. When it became clear that St. Joseph Monastery would be closing as a result of a climbing median age and lack of new members, Sister Kathleen moved to Erie on April 14, 2014. After prayer and discernment she asked to transfer her vows to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie. On August 11, 2015, Sister Kathleen was fully incorporated into the Erie Benedictine community.
Sister Kathleen held a B.S. in Education from Villanova University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from St. Charles Seminary, Philadelphia, PA. From 1946 to 1995 Sister Kathleen was engaged in the ministry of education, both elementary and secondary teaching, and administration as a school principal. Teaching was her passion and she was especially grateful to share her love of God with her students. Over the years she taught at Sacred Heart and St. Marys Parochial, St. Marys; St. Callistus, Kane; St. Joseph, Lucinda; St. Joseph, Warren; St. Boniface, Kersey; and St. Adalbert, Pittsburgh. She was a part-time teacher at Elk County Christian High School while serving her community at St. Joseph Monastery as Vocation, Affiliate and Postulant Directress before becoming a full-time English and Theology teacher at Elk County for 15 years. After serving as the community’s sub-prioress from 1995-1996, Sister Kathleen retired from teaching. From 1996-1999 Sister Kathleen served in pastoral ministry at St. Anthony’s Parish, Sheffield, PA as an RCIA instructor and Religious Education Coordinator. In 1999 she returned to the monastery in St. Marys and served in the ministry of hospitality, spirituality and formation. At the time of her death, Sister Kathleen was engaged in the ministry of prayer and presence at Mount St. Benedict.
Sister Kathleen was predeceased by her parents as well as her siblings: brother, Laverne Warner; sisters, Monica Huntz and Anita Winters; step-sisters, Elizabeth (Philipps) Young and Jean (Philipps) Conklin. She is survived by her Erie Benedictine community, the sisters from her community of origin (St. Joseph Monastery, St. Marys, PA), good friends Sabra and Joe Pasky and Father Michael Ferrick, as well as cousins, nieces and nephews.
Services took place at Mount St. Benedict Monastery and included: Visitation, a Service of Memories, a Mass of Christian Burial, and Interment in Trinity Cemetery. Brugger Funeral Homes and Crematory, Pine Avenue Branch, 845 East 38th Street, was in charge of the arrangements.
Memorials may be made to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, 6101 East Lake Road, Erie, PA 16511. Click here to offer an online memorial.