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SBA Class of '73 50th reunion

SBA Class of '73 50th reunion at Mount St. Benedict Monastery

The SBA Class of 1973 50th Reunion celebration included liturgy and coffee at Mount St. Benedict Monastery on October 8. Seventeen class members and three former faculty members, Sisters Dorothy Stoner, Phyllis Schleicher, and Rosanne Loneck, gathered for a photo in between the excited conversation and laughter. A photo display of deceased class members including a white rose for each added a touch of poignancy to the celebration.

Left to right, first row, Sisters Dorothy, Phyllis, and Rosanne. Second row, Kathy Glass Danch, Sue West Minarich, Patty Kunz Johnson, Allis Sullivan Guay, Donna Sowieralski Heaps, Marilyn Hoderny Amento, Mary Rita Horvath. 

Third row, Shirley Huegel Hendrick, Kathy Kaiser Klapthor, Cindy Belczyk, Mary Braeger, Kathy Zimmerman Schreiber, Ginny Sivak, Darlene Edwards Blanks, Mary Beth Whitby Veshecco, Joyce Double Wickles, Tina Krasinski Delio. Truly "friends we never can forget."