More than 20 persons, many of whom had never visited the monastery, joined us for a monastery tour, dinner, and a Lent vigil on Saturday, March 9. A few persons who have been to the monastery in the past also joined the group, opting for a formal tour and the explanations of Benedictine life were included. They, too, learned things they didn't know.
The tour began in the chapel with an introduction and welcome from Sister Stephanie Schmidt, prioress. Sisters Cindy Hoover and Theresa Zoky followed with a short presentation on Benedictin prayer, lectio, and listening, the central core of the Benedictine spiritual life.
The group then moved to the front parlor with its beautiful display of Brother Thomas Bezanson's pottery. Here, Sister Mary Ellen Plumb spoke about hospitality, explaining how the Rule of Benedict instructs that all guests are to be welcomed as Christ.
The next stop on the tour was the monastery library where Sisters Jacqueline Sanchez-Small and Judith Trambley, pictured here, standing, shared Benedict's teaching on work: all work is good work. They also spoke about the ERie Benedictine commitment to creation and care for the Earth.
Then, in the community room, Sisters Carolyn Gorny-Kopkowski and Val Luckey spoke about community and stability, the basis of human relationships. They shared from two very diverse perspectives as they are nearly 50 years apart in age.
Moving over to the dining room, the group joined the sisters for dinner before the Lent vigil at 7:00 p.m. in the monastery chapel. Oblate Cynthia Legin-Bucell offered reflections.
The next monastery tour is scheduled for April 7, the evening before the total solar eclipse in Erie. Information is here. There are two more Lent vigils prior to Holy Week. All are welcome to join us at 7:00 p.m. in the monastery chapel for the vigils. On Saturday, March 16, Sister Kath Horan will offer reflections. Saturday March 23 Sister Val Luckey will offer reflections.