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Sharon McSweeney completes Benedicta Riepp Monastic Experience

Sharon McSweeney completes Benedicta Riepp Monastic Experience

The community blessed Sharon McSweeney as she completed 14 months in the Benedicta Riepp Monastic Experience Program and prepared to return home taking with her the love of her Benedictine sisters and a Benedictine perspective on life. "Being surrounded by like-minded women has been the most treasured part of my being here," she said.

The live-in experience is designed to do just that--immerse women in Benedictine community for a period of time, in community prayer, in communal life, in ministry, so that they become part of the monastic life while they are here. "Sharon's presence will be missed," said Sister Ann Muczynski, Director of Monastic Formation. "But the purpose of the Benedicta Riepp program is not permanence but rather sharing our lives so that participants can then take Benedictine spirituality with them to wherever they live and work after completing the program."

“Because of the regularity of monastic communal prayer and the frequency of my personal prayer, I am now ever mindful that God is in me, present every moment of my day – so different from my past prayer life. The experience has changed me in ways I cannot put into words," Sharon said.

During her time in community, Sharon ministered part time at Benetvision, collaborating with the Joan Chittister Fund for Prisoners. Her main ministry was in Hospitality, assisting Sister Karen Kosin with all aspects of attending to the monastery's many guests.

Read more about the Benedicta Riepp Monastic Experience Program here.