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Gannon University Day of Caring helps Care for the Earth

Gannon University Day of Caring helps Care for the Earth

Gannon Day of Caring Students, all members of the Gannon Women’s Soccer Team, offered their services for several initiatives of the Care for the Earth Committee in April. Some worked with Sister Pat Lupo to transfer trees from the tree nursery at Glinodo Center where they had been getting their start to an area to the west of the monastery. Others assisted Sister Jacqueline Sanchez-Small to continue removing invasive species, especially multi-floral rose, from a wooded area along the road at Glinodo. The third group spread cardboard that had been saved over the course of a year to prepare the soil for an expansion of the wildflower meadow begun last year. The cardboard will smother the plants, mostly grass and weeds, to clear the soil in preparation for wildflower planting. “We are very grateful to Gannon University for sending the twenty-eight students for our projects on their Day of Caring,” said Sister Annette Marshall who coordinates the work of the Care for the Earth Committee

Gannon University’s Day of Caring sent about 500 Gannon students, faculty and staff throughout Erie County, with volunteers going to many service sites within the neighborhoods adjacent to Gannon’s downtown Erie campus, and other locations including the Benedictine Sisters in Harborcreek.