Larisa Melodinskaia, a former professional ballroom dancer and dance instructor at the Inner-city Neighborhood Art House since 1998, is sharing moves she teaches children in Art House classes with sisters at the monastery. She is leading a weekly movement and exercise class in May and June. While the sisters won't be offering a public performance at the conclusion of their time with Larisa as the children do, they will be a bit stronger and more balanced in their movements.
The health care staff at the monastery regularly address a variety of topics in the areas of fitness, wellness, and nutrition that enable the community to be as healthy as possible in all aspects of life. Community life also offers opportunities for socialization and contribution to the common good. All of these factors are often in the news as important for maintaining physical and mental health as people age.
Sister Anne Wambach, who knows Larisa well from her many years as director of the Art House, organized the movement classes.