The newly formed Oblate Leadership Committee (OLT) held its first meeting at the monastery this week. Oblate Co-Directors Sister Annette Marshall and Oblate Joanne Cahill saw the need to broaden leadership perspectives by engaging members of the oblate community who would share their wisdom and help shape the program. The OLT will work with the co-directors to determine priorities and to provide direction for programs that support the oblate community’s continued growth and development. “We are pleased that six talented individuals responded generously to this call to leadership within the community,” said Joanne.
The oblate community continues to grow, explains Sister Annette: “Right now we are 245 strong with another 11 individuals in formation. These oblates are scattered around the country and around the world and can be found in business, education, health care, ministry and the arts. Some live alone, others with family. We want to explore new ways of building community and to support a healthy prayer life among our oblates.”
Earlier in the year, oblates were invited to nominate leaders for the OLT. Those who accepted the nomination were placed on a ballot for election by the oblate community. Three members of the OLT were elected and three were appointed by the Oblate Co-Directors.
The first order business for the OLT is to consider the many ideas that surfaced at last fall’s gathering of oblates, determine the feasibility of those ideas, establish priorities, and then to begin implementing those deemed most urgent and timely. The members of the OLT will reach into the broader oblate community to invite others to work with them on specific projects and continue expanding the leadership into the community. Read more about Benedictine Oblates.
Standing L to R: Jo Clarke, Kelly Adamson, Jackie Burns, Sister Annette Marshall, Mark Gorman. Seated: Rose Anne Jesenovec, Elaine Buzzinotti, Joanne Cahill.