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Video of Where Hope Is: Stories of Benedictine Influence

This interview-based play was scripted by Jenn Bokoch Gillett from the vantage point of women who came of age during the 1960s to 1980s at St. Benedict Academy, Erie, Pennsylvania. Find your story in these women's stories of community, spirituality, justice, and meaning-making that challenged their thinking and validated their worth and power. It was produced by the Benedictine Sisters of Erie and originally performed in Erie on June 30, 2024, at the Hirt Auditorium, Blasco Memorial Library. Jenn, daughter of an SBA alumna, conducted more than 50 interviews for this project. The individual interviews will gradually be shared in an online archive. Download the Where Hope Is program booklet for a more complete description of the project and the people who brought it to life.