The Serra Club of Erie presented a congratulatory cake to the ten 2024 Erie Benedictine Jubilarians in honor of their years of service to the Diocese of Erie. Serra Club member Dave Wayman, picture here with jubliarians Sisters Lucia Marie Surmik, Carolyn Gorny-Kopkowski, and Diane Rabe (L-R), delivered the cake which the community enjoyed. The Serra Club promotes vocations to the religious life and priesthood. They gifted each of the communities of women religious in Erie with a cake.
The ten 2024 jubilations are: 70 years, Sister Joan Chittister, Sister Lucia Marie Surmik, and Sister Placida Anheuser; 60 years, Sister Helen Heher, Sister Christine Kosin, Sister Carolyn Gorny-Kopkowski, and Sister Marian Wehler; 50 years, Sister Diane Rabe, Sister Charlotte Anne Zalot, and Sister Diane Cook. Read about each jubilation here.