Monastic Life Is...
March 21 is the Solemnity of Saint Benedict when we celebrate the “passing” of Benedict. This month of Benedict provides a timely opportunity to consider Laudato Sí through a “Benedictine eye.” Many values and themes associated with the Rule of Benedict are at the heart of Laudato Sí so March is a fitting time to consider a few.
Oblate Janice Etchison and Sister Pat Lupo, standing, presented outcomes of small group discussion at a recent public meeting held by the Erie Port Authority to collect citizen input regarding the future use of the former site of the Erie Coke Plant on the Lake Erie waterfront. The plant, which had been polluting land, air, and water on Erie's east side for nearly 100 years, closed in December 2019 after a massive public campaign led by Hold Erie Coke Accountable (HECA) under the leadership of Sister Pat and Dr. Mike Campbell.
In this powerful first episode of a three-part podcast series, Fr. John Dear unpacks the Beatitudes with Sister Joan Chittister—not as prayers, but as bold, countercultural ways of living that challenge systems of power. "The eight Beatitudes of life are actually the eight attitudes for life," Sister Joan says.
Sister Anne McCarthy appears in Erie Times-News reporter Kevin Flowers's story about the February 17 rally in East Perry Square, attended by roughly 100 people. Similar rallies were held across the nation Monday.
Oblate Kelly Adamson is featured in "Five Catholic women who dream of ordination as deacons," a Religion News Service article highlighting women in the church who are called to be deacons--even though women are currently prohibited from the diaconate in Catholicism. She is a member of Discerning Deacons, a network aimed at informing Catholics about women deacons.
More on St. Scholastica and loving locally from Katie Gordon on Following the Monastic Impulse. Read it here.
Susan Quaintance, OSB, our Benedictine sister from the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, offers a reflection on St. Scholastica and the women who follow her. Read it on Global Sisters Report. Happy Feast Day!
“Whatsoever you did to the least of my brothers and sisters, you did unto me.” —Gospel of Matthew, 25:40
With these words, Jesus Christ gave his followers a most challenging teaching. He instructs them to treat those who are poor, those who are strangers, with love, compassion, and reverence.