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Monastic Presence

Follow the Monastic Presence Blog for news and information about oblates.

If you wish to learn more about becoming an oblate, contact:
Joanne Cahill OSB Obl and Annette Marshall, OSB, Oblate Co-Directors
T: 814-899-0614 ext 2402
F: 814-898-4004

Erie News Now featured Erie's Catholic Sisters on their 5:30 newscast every day through Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14. View Eva Mastromatteo's interview from Wednesday with Sister Mary Ellen Plumb and Oblate Jo Clarke. On Friday, she interviewed Sister Stephanie Schmidt and Sister of St. Joseph Mary Drexler. Eva, Sister Mary Ellen, and Jo are pictured.

Erie Benedictine oblates celebrated their Benedictine sisters on Sunday in honor of Catholic Sisters week. With the collaboration of Michelle Basista, Development Associate, and oblate Cynthia Legin-Bucell and the technical assistance of Jim Wertz, the oblates created a twenty-minute video of personal thank you messages. "It was a very touching tribute, and some of us were moved to tears," said Sister Linda Romey.

Oblate Kelly Adamson is featured in "Five Catholic women who dream of ordination as deacons," a Religion News Service article highlighting women in the church who are called to be deacons--even though women are currently prohibited from the diaconate in Catholicism. She is a member of Discerning Deacons, a network aimed at informing Catholics about women deacons.

Down through the ages, the hearth was central to human survival. If offered heat for warmth and food preparation. It was the gathering place for conversation and the place where language developed. Keeping the hearth was a valued skill. Each night, the hearth keeper would “smoor” the fire - a way of partially extinguishing the fire so that it could be safely left unattended overnight, yet could easily be rekindled in the morning. Prayers accompanied this ritual as the fire was so central to the well-being of the community.

This week is a confluence of meaning. We celebrated the Solemnity of Christ the Annointed One (Christ the King) last Sunday, November 24. We celebrate Thanksgiving Thursday, November 28, and next Sunday, December 1, Advent begins. On Sunday, Oblate Priscilla Richter offered insightful reflections that illuminated the meaning of all these events in light of the gospel reading from John 18:33b-37 and our current reality.

A team of oblates celebrated the Feast of St. Benedict on July 11 by serving guests at Emmaus Soup kitchen. “We are so grateful to this team of oblates who regularly bring their monastic presence to our guests,” observed Sister Val Luckey, Director of Emmaus Ministries.

The newly formed Oblate Leadership Committee (OLT) held its first meeting at the monastery this week. Oblate Co-Directors Sister Annette Marshall and Oblate Joanne Cahill saw the need to broaden leadership perspectives by engaging members of the oblate community who would share their wisdom and help shape the program. The OLT will work with the co-directors to determine priorities and to provide direction for programs that support the oblate community’s continued growth and development. “We are pleased that six talented individuals responded generously to this call to leadership within the community,” said Joanne.

The 2024 Women's History Month Art Show "Beauty Beholds..." is now open at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery. Visit the Chapter 57 Gallery and view this year's entries. The show runs until March 31 and includes works in various media by Benedictine sisters, oblates, co-workers, and friends.

Oblates gathered at Glinodo Center on Friday of Community Weekend to consider their vocation—a way of life that brings a Benedictine presence to the many places, organizations, and people they encounter each day—and to examine the ways in which they support the fundamentals of Benedictine life: prayer, community and ministry.

Oblate Jubilarians present for the Commitment Ceremony and the number of years as an oblate: (seated) Marg Wehrer, 30, Terrie Doboze, 22, Ruth Wehrer, 42, Donna Bessken, 34, Sheila McLaughlin, 27, Barb Roseborough, 43, Carol Posch Comstock, 25. Standing: Marcie Bircher, 30, Deni Howley, 43, Eileen Zinchiak, 37, Pat Rettger, 25, Sister Stephanie Schmidt, prioress, Jackie Burns, 25, oblate co-directors Sister Annette Marshall and Oblate Joanne Cahill.

The works of eight oblates were featured in an art show during Community Weekend. Varied media, from recycled tea bags to oil and acrylics, woodworking, fabric art, watercolor, and gilding— were beautifully displayed in the Chapter 57 Gallery at the monastery. Oblate Jo Clarke and Sister Margaret Ann Pilewski curated the show. Artists included, left to right, Oblate Jo Clarke, Initiate Gina DeMauro, Oblate Jackie Burns, and Oblate Rose Anne Jesenovec.