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Thank you to Fairfield Hose Company

Fairfield Hose Company Volunteer Fire Department

Fire chief James Hawryliw and members of the Fairfield Hose Company Volunteer Fire Department and their spouses and children joined the sisters for the annual thank you dinner in the monastery dining room. "This is always one of our most anticipated events each year," said Chief Hawryliw. It's a long-standing tradition, a way for the sisters to express their gratitude to the Company for their many assists for ambulance services and the occasional fire alarm.

Sister Marcia Sigler, who was a member of the Company, prepares table decorations and treats with firefighting themes and orchestrates a drawing for creative prizes that include hand-crafted items. The menu is a favorite, spaghetti and meatballs with a sundae bar for dessert.

Each year the firefighters also include an educational component and demonstrate some of their gear. In the picture, you see the new and very costly piece of equipment: an air "bed" that is used to lift persons who are would be difficult for the firefighters to lift safely. A live demonstration showed how a mat is slipped under the victim and then inflated. It can then be slid onto the flat base of the bed. Then four separate compartments are inflated until the victim is about four feet off the ground at which point the mat is inflated again to slid them onto the wheeled gurney.

First Assistant Chief Jeffrey Hawryliw spoke about a new way the Company is raising funds for equipment and other needs--they are opening a new social club and restaurant, Hose Company 27. A one-year membership is only $25. If you live in the Erie or Harborcreek areas, consider joining. Information and a menu can be found here.